Ranch improvements are the backbone of CRS.
Ranch improvements are the backbone of CRS. Our decades of experience of taking neglected land and turning it into beautiful property is one of our most sought-after services. For the landowner looking to get the most out of their land value, their habitat, and their wildlife, or the owner looking to sell for the best possible value, CRS has the equipment, knowledge, and portfolio to enhance a property to its full potential.
Mulching / Clearing
Water / Improvements
Construction / Projects
Mulching/Brush Clearing

CRS is a big proponent of forestry mulching. This is the most effective, economical method to transform a property with minimum invasiveness to the land. The process helps prevent soil erosion, acts as a fire buffer, and helps pasture restoration. Forestry mulching takes a gentler approach to land clearing when removing unwanted vegetation. It accelerates the natural process of decay with the mulch layers left behind, weighing the soil, keeping it in place, and protecting the root systems of nearby shrubs, trees, and natural grasses. CRS utilizes smaller rubber-tracked machines as well as larger articulating rubber tired mulching machines for different applications.
Water Structures

Some of the most redeeming features of South Texas properties are high-quality water sources such as ponds, lakes, creeks, catch basins, etc. Whether you want to create new water-holding or water-diversion structures, or improve existing ones, CRS can help you with all your water construction needs! For big earthwork projects, we partner with another company to utilize the latest in technology with drone imagery and CAD technology to create 4D imagery and blueprints of projects to show the landowner what the final product will look like. Whether you want a 20 acre lake, smaller pond, water manipulation, or other water structure, CRS can help you bring your vision to life.

Construction of new buildings, gates, fencing, etc and enhancements to existing buildings, gates, fencing etc.- CRS has partnered with among the best, most reliable sub contractors in South Texas to ensure top-quality construction. If you’re looking to renovate a building, construct a new lodge, create a new gate entrance, etc., CRS has a long history of providing top-quality oversight of construction projects.
4D Models & GPS Technology
For larger earthwork construction projects that require a mass movement of dirt, Catarosa Ranch Services partners with another local company to offer more equipment and the best in technology. Our partnering company is one of the only earthwork contractors that possesses an in-house 4D modeling system. With this system, drones capture aerial imagery of the site to be excavated. The drone footage can then be converted into 3D and 4D models of the project. Lastly, the models are connected to GPS technology within equipment to perform the work.
Mulching, Clearing, Water Improvements or Construction Projects
Contact CRS
Tom Aasbo
Trent Belicek